Peacock feather
- It is highly auspicious to keep peacock feathers around us. They not only protect us from negativities and evil eye but also bring good luck and prosperity.
- In drawing room peacock feathers should be stick on walls in 4 corners it creates a protective grid.
- At the entrance above the name plate 3 peacock feather tied with yellow thread should be placed to welcome fame and wealth.
- It should be kept under pillow to stop nightmares and bad dreams.
- It should be kept in your worship place or in your alter to enhance spirituality.
- Peacock feather can be use for meditation. Stick it on the wall and gaze at the peacock eye.
- To bring happiness and sweetness in married life take two peacock feathers hold it in your hand and prayer to divine and say this affirmation 3 times “My marriage is divinely protected and blessed with love and happiness I appreciate all that I have”. Thank you divine.
- Now keep this feathers in your bedroom in vase or place them on wall.
- To attract wealth keep one in your purse, wallet or in your money box.